

 Founded and led by Abe Smith, GENEVATEK works to expedite growth within leading early-stage technology companies by providing expertise and practical assistance with sales and fundraising.


Our purpose is singular: we seek to drive maximised shareholder value at exit for our technology partners.

Over 20 years in technology leadership, Abe Smith has built a network of sales, financial, operational and investor resources.

Abe Smith

Abe is a technology investor and entrepreneur with a successful 20-year leadership record in the fintech sector.

As the founder and CEO of Dealflo, he built the company from nothing to processing over $15bn transactions pa within a few years until its acquisition by OneSpan in 2018.

Prior to Dealflo, Abe founded and built a series of fintech ventures including Proficient Europe (AI-driven customer engagement), Geneva Partners (fintech brokerage) and Atomic (financial management tools), helping create over $1bn of shareholder value in the process.
